Dr. Karr's 2011 Osteomyelitis Presentation in Copenhagen,
Denmark at the EBJIS Symposium
Global Lecture Presentations
2012 European Bone and Joint Infectious Disease Society. PAD-T overview. September 20-22, 2012
Montreux, Switzerland
2012 Osteomyelitis management in Lower Extremity Restorative Orthopedics and Traumatology.
San Juan, Puerto Rico May 2012.
2012 TM’s 1st World Virology and Microbiology Online conference. Session 8: Anti-Infection Treatments 1
Session Chair: Dr. David H. Van Thiel. Presentation Title: In vitro anti-bacterial and anti-fungal
properties and human osteomyelitis management outcomes with calcium sulfate and
hydroxyapatite (Crement) bone void filler impregnated with either antibiotic or antifungal medication.
2011 European Bone and Joint Infectious Disease Society. Lower extremity osteomyelitis
management. September 14-17, 2011 Copenhagen, Denmark
2011 BGU Krankenhaus Hospital Duisberg, Germany. Cerament – Clinical Results in Osteomyelitis
September 13, 2011
2011 University Hospital Mainz, Germany. Bone Void Filler Cerament for Restorative Trauma and
Osteomyelitis September 14, 2011
2007 World Congress on External Fixation, Cairo-Egypt
1. Charcot Foot Reconstruction Utilizing Tri-Plane External Fixation
2. Management of Avascular Necrosis in a 14-Year-old Boy
3. Decreasing Post-Traumatic Complications of Calcaneal Fractures with Tri-plane External
4. Presider, morning session miscellaneous use of external fixation
2007 The First International Symposium on Minimally Invasive Procedures at the Aula Magna of the
Medicine in Buenos Aires, Argentina
1. Panelist in the Debate: Ulcers In the Diabetic
2. “President of Honor” Chronic ulcers of the lower extremities
3. Growth factors and wound healing
4. Introduction to growth factors and the GPS system in treating lower extremity ulcers
2007 Scientific Program, Biomet Biologics Europe
1. The Role of Growth Factors and Platelet Rich Plasma in Wound Care with a Patient
Demonstration. Prague, Czech Republic.
2007 Scientific Program, Biomet Biologics Europe
1. Clinical Experience with the GPS II System and Wound Care, Barcelona, Spain.
2007 Biomet Satellite Session, Second Congress Poland Wound Care Society
1. Clinical Experience with the GPS II System and Wound Care, Poznan, Poland.
Montreux, Switzerland
2012 Osteomyelitis management in Lower Extremity Restorative Orthopedics and Traumatology.
San Juan, Puerto Rico May 2012.
2012 TM’s 1st World Virology and Microbiology Online conference. Session 8: Anti-Infection Treatments 1
Session Chair: Dr. David H. Van Thiel. Presentation Title: In vitro anti-bacterial and anti-fungal
properties and human osteomyelitis management outcomes with calcium sulfate and
hydroxyapatite (Crement) bone void filler impregnated with either antibiotic or antifungal medication.
2011 European Bone and Joint Infectious Disease Society. Lower extremity osteomyelitis
management. September 14-17, 2011 Copenhagen, Denmark
2011 BGU Krankenhaus Hospital Duisberg, Germany. Cerament – Clinical Results in Osteomyelitis
September 13, 2011
2011 University Hospital Mainz, Germany. Bone Void Filler Cerament for Restorative Trauma and
Osteomyelitis September 14, 2011
2007 World Congress on External Fixation, Cairo-Egypt
1. Charcot Foot Reconstruction Utilizing Tri-Plane External Fixation
2. Management of Avascular Necrosis in a 14-Year-old Boy
3. Decreasing Post-Traumatic Complications of Calcaneal Fractures with Tri-plane External
4. Presider, morning session miscellaneous use of external fixation
2007 The First International Symposium on Minimally Invasive Procedures at the Aula Magna of the
Medicine in Buenos Aires, Argentina
1. Panelist in the Debate: Ulcers In the Diabetic
2. “President of Honor” Chronic ulcers of the lower extremities
3. Growth factors and wound healing
4. Introduction to growth factors and the GPS system in treating lower extremity ulcers
2007 Scientific Program, Biomet Biologics Europe
1. The Role of Growth Factors and Platelet Rich Plasma in Wound Care with a Patient
Demonstration. Prague, Czech Republic.
2007 Scientific Program, Biomet Biologics Europe
1. Clinical Experience with the GPS II System and Wound Care, Barcelona, Spain.
2007 Biomet Satellite Session, Second Congress Poland Wound Care Society
1. Clinical Experience with the GPS II System and Wound Care, Poznan, Poland.