We are partnered with the Lakeland Vascular Institute (LVI) to provide immediate access to fix your lower leg circulation disease. Dr. Karr was the first physician in Polk county to refer to LVI and has co-managed hundreds of patients with lower extremity vascular disease with LVI to improve patients quality of life and prevent amputation.
Deep Venous Arterialization (DVA) for Critical Limb Ischemia:
When, Why, and How to Prevent Amputation?
Early experiences show that results after DVA are promising. Basically we use a vein in your leg to connect to an artery near your knee to reestablish blood flow to your foot. This is to minimize the foot amputation to the heel and to prevent a leg amputation. This procedure is for patients with no further options to fix their circulation ad amputation is planned.
When, Why, and How to Prevent Amputation?
Early experiences show that results after DVA are promising. Basically we use a vein in your leg to connect to an artery near your knee to reestablish blood flow to your foot. This is to minimize the foot amputation to the heel and to prevent a leg amputation. This procedure is for patients with no further options to fix their circulation ad amputation is planned.
Preventing amputation
This patient started w/ single vessel runoff (above left) and now has 3 vessel runoff all the way to the foot (above right). Initially this patient was probably to have a below amputation from a painful foot wound and poor leg circulation. With the intervention by LVI, the wound healed, the patients pain subsided, and the amputation was prevented.